B. inggris THE PROCEDURE OF MAKING MEATBALLSWhat you need for the Ingredient :• 1 kg of very fine minced meat( preferably beel)• 2 eggs• 300 grams of tapioca flour• 4-8 cloves of garlic3 shallot• 1 teaspoon of white pepper• 2 teaspoons of saltThe steps to make meatballs:These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs. The soup is made separatelyFirst of all, mix garlic, shallot, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixerThen, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca flour and the minced meat.After that, add a cup of water, and use your hand to mix until the mixture feels soft and smoothThen boil some water, at least about 2 liter, in a rather large pot. Next, tolong start rolling the mixture into small meatballs by using a spoon. finally, put the meatballs into boiling water. when they float up the surface the meatballs are ready to serve.1. Who is the text addressed to? 2. What is the main ingredient to make meatball? 3. How much tapioca flour that we need to make a meatball?4. What we have to do after we mix the spices? 5. How many eggs that we need to make a meatball?Tolong dibantu yaaa:) cordeliaroobulv – June 11, 2023
B. inggris Untuk materi Bahasa Inggris hari ini 1. Membuat kalimat menggunakan kata penghubung; and, but, or atau so dan if. Contoh: Main clause (induk kalimat) √ I am satistified √ and feel sleepy right now. Subordinate clause (anak kalimat)[Tolong dijawab ya] cordeliaroobulv – June 08, 2023
B. inggris 1).Where does the dialog 1 probably take place?Answer:2.Who are involved in the dialog 2?Answer:3.Who are involved in the dialog 3?Answer:4.What Adi's major?Answer:5.Look at the dialog 3.What is the customer's problem?Answer: cordeliaroobulv – April 04, 2023
B. inggris Setiap hari minggu saya selalu bangun pagidan beres-beres rumah. Setelah selesai saya langsungbergegas mandi dan berangkat bekerja. terkadang kalauada panenan saya juga ikut melangsir buah sawit ataupun berondol.Setelah bekerja saat menjelang Siang saya sempat kan untuk berolahraga BINSik hingga sore tibasaya lanjutkan dengan FITNES hingga maghrib tiba.setelah malam saya biasakan tidur tepat waktu.dan Seperti itu setiap hari minggu. cordeliaroobulv – March 06, 2023